Stock Market tips, analysis, and strategies


Personal finance encompasses the whole universe of managing individual and family finances, taking responsibility for your current and future financial situation, and setting financial goals. It also includes handling individual financial tasks and saving for emergencies. Not getting control of your personal finances can leave you unprotected when a crisis comes along–whether it’s an illness, an unexpected job loss, or the death of the family breadwinner. The pandemic that began in March 2020 showed all of these issues in sharp relief and showed the importance of planning for emergencies. Please visit our YouTube channel www.


Technical analysis. Analyzing the moving averages. Extensive studies on candle stick charting. Volume and chart patterns are also important, just to list a few. Fundamental and Technical analysis can help us understand a better determination of the time to buy, sell or hold. Trading the Stock Market since 1999. Please visit our YouTube channel www. Happy investing. :-)


Fundamental analysis consists of analyzing company reports. Earnings, projected grow, etc.... Our team does extensive research on the fundamentals of what the corporations report. We only use professional financial services for our analytical reports. Using this information combined with the technical analysis, we believe the analytical details are a great formula to determine the health of a company. Technical analysis provides facts of what has already happened. Combining these two elements will help us with a better determination of probability of the direction of the company. Please visit our YouTube channel www. Trading the Stock Market since 1999. Happy investing. :-)


“Analysis Paralysis” defined by Investopedia is a “Situation in which an individual or group is unable to move forward with a decision as a result of overanalyzing data.” In simpler terms, it’s what happens when traders fail to act because of overthinking. We have found over the years that the "KISS" Strategy. "Keep It Simple Strategy" has outperformed most technical trading set ups. At gotstockz we use professional financial services, and trading platforms for our research and trading activity. This provides us with the tools for our extensive studies with fundamental and technical analysis. We would be honored to share our knowledge and experience with you. Please visit our YouTube channel. www. Trading the "Stock Market" since 1999. Happy investing. :-)